From past to present
Pars Hayat Kavir Company, with a focus on producing polyethylene pipes and improving the efficiency of pressurized water and irrigation transmission lines, started its planning since 2012. With the approach of creating a successful business based on the interests of customers, this complex has established clear and fundamental strategies for product production and customer appreciation since its inception. Among the other honors of this company, one can mention the implementation of the 2008 quality management system, ISO 9001, ISO 2008, receiving the national standard mark of Iran simultaneously in grades PE63, PE80, PE100, and obtaining a competency certificate from the office of modern irrigation systems development affiliated with the Water and Soil Organization of the Agricultural Jihad Deputy.
On the other hand, creating the most up-to-date independent and powerful laboratory (standard partner laboratory), implementing the ISO/IEC17025:2005 standard, and obtaining competency certification from the National Accreditation Center of Iran (NACI) are other steps taken by Pars Hayat Kavir Company to uphold the rights of customers to access a quality product that conforms to the latest world standards and adheres to professional business principles for its collaborators and commercial partners.

Supplying products and services in accordance with international standards and utilizing up-to-date technical knowledge, delivering products on time and fulfilling all commitments to ensure customer satisfaction, producing and supplying products according to customer needs, protecting the environment and implementing national environmental laws and standards for sustainable development, conducting research, development, innovation, education, and continuous improvement, and creating a clear vision for company employees and enhancing their competence and satisfaction are the principles that we have always adhered to and will continue to do so. We also believe that to ensure customer confidence in achieving the benefits of a quality and desirable product, we must guarantee the process of this service, which is confirmed by the standard organizations of the world and Iran for Pars Hayat Kavir Company.
Pars Hayat Kavir Company’s work does not end with providing a quality product that meets customer requirements, but rather, product manufacturing is another part of our activity; because our services continue after sales by providing technical and engineering consultancy and guaranteeing product performance throughout the warranty period. The warranty, consultation, and assistance in designing irrigation systems, together with Pars Hayat Kavir, have turned it into a friend and supporter for customers and colleagues; we believe that providing water is a duty and responsibility.
Providing services to large organizations is a testament to the capability of Pars Hayat Kavir company.
Kerman Water and Wastewater Company Kerman Nomads Affairs Organization Kerman Regional Water Company Yazd Water and Wastewater Company Alborz Water and Wastewater Company Fars Water and Wastewater Company Markazi Water and Wastewater Company Khorasan Razavi Water and Wastewater Company Gilan Water and Wastewater Company Rural Water and Wastewater Company of Semnan Province Jahad-e-Keshavarzi Organization of South Kerman (Jiroft) Sistan Jahad-e-Keshavarzi Organization Jahad-e-Keshavarzi Organization of Isfahan Province Jahad-e-Keshavarzi Organization of Qom Province And other organizations and friends who have honored us with their cooperation …